DANGEROUS WATERS Season 2 Screening -Mon March 11

      A RUSSIAN MILITARY TANK and armed Russia military was the last thing I thought the crew of Dangerous Waters would ever face, but we did, and captured it all on camera!ThreeStages.net It was like entering a time warp, a slap back to the days of the cold war but, the war was over and we were dealing with the remnants of a stripped down army still full of pride and power and they did not like us Americans arriving at their military base in the high North on Seadoo. From being detained on the beach at gun point, being finger printed twice by two separate government agencies, given order in a foreign language, forced to sign documents written in Russian, being carted around the village in the back of a van, to having Russian diplomats fly in and the United States State Department saying we sure did get ourselves into trouble, Dangerous Waters started Season Two like no other reality television series ever! 549274_613610775320926_326840660_nDangerous Waters chronicles a crew of five men on four Seadoo as they attempt to travel through remote and dangerous waterways to be the first team in history to circle the entire planet earth on personal watercraft. We follow these adventures week by week, and more importantly, have the opportunity to experience the incredible challenges they face and ultimately overcome during this 37,000-mile expedition.Steven Moll is not your run of the mill husband, father, and son. Unlike other men in their early 40’s Steven has a burning in him to do something great, something spectacular, something that no one had ever done before, throw caution to the wind, sacrifice all of his finances and chase a dream that no one has ever been able to catch before. But, Steven Moll is different. He does not quit and once the team left Seattle Washington on their global quest there was no turning back, failure is not and will not be an option. But, Steven had no idea what would lay ahead for his rag tag band of brothers: Mind boggling distances, huge waves, camping at the edge of the world, facing enormous brown bears, howling winds, sinking in the frigid waters of the Gulf of Alaska, running out of fuel in the Aleutian Islands, entering the Bering Sea and being picked up by a crab boat, mechanical failure and the abandoning of a Seadoo in the Bering Strait, polar bears, humpback Whales, Beluga Whales, Bowhead Whales, Walrus, Seals, remote native villages, men getting kicked off the crew and sent home, refueling by aircraft and boats, in fighting, navigational challenges, and somehow affording the fuel. Steven may have bit off more than he bargained for.Audiences will experience the adventure and travel with the crew of Dangerous Waters as they take on unforeseen challenges in every episode. With over 40 countries they must travel through in order to complete their mission viewers will have the opportunity to see scenery never before dreamed of all through the eyes and wonderment of the expedition members. Hold on tight as this series will take you on an emotional roller coaster you will never forget!Dangerous Waters, like no other television series in the world. More information: http://dangerouswaterstv.com/ Pricing $10 Proceeds to benefit various charities.[fblike]