Davy Vaitilingon Wins the First Round of Karujet

      The results of the first round
      World Championship1st - VAITILINGON Davy (GLP) (0:50:38)  2nd - Marc FORBIN (GLP) (0:51:20) in 42 seconds  3rd - BARRET Alexandre (FRA) (0:51:34) 56 second.  4th - GRANGER Lucas (GLP) (0:51:52) at 1'14 "  5th - FIDELIN Ugo (GLP) (0:53:05) at 2'27 "  6th - CONCORRIET Christophe (MTQ) (00: 53:13) to 2'35 "  7th - GOUNOUMAN Pascal (GLP) (0:53:55) at 3'17 "  8th - WARNER Craig (USA) (0:53:56) at 3'18 "  9th - Acelor Patrick (MTQ) (0:54:25) at 3'47 "  10th - Vincent Thomas (GLP) (0:55:11) at 4'33 " 
      Subsequent results HERE World Championship Jet armfirst - BILLET Laurent (GLP) (00:38:54.925) 2nd - Anthony OLIVIN (GLP) (00:40:29.325) 3rd - the lawyer Frederic (GLP) (00:42:35.661) 
      The following results HERE Jet arm Amateurs 1 - LIMON Valentin (GLP) (0:57:29) 2nd - Frédéric Roussel (GLP) (0:58:48) at 1:19. 3rd - Jimmy LYCAON (GLP) (0:58:53) at 1:24. 
      The Following the results HERE Amateurs