Monday, 9 March: H2O Racing and Aquabike Promotion in cooperation with the UIM National Authorities of Croatia, Spain, Portugal and France have confirmed a strong calendar for this year’s UIM-ABP Aquabike European & Continental Championship.The multi-category Championship will include Runabout and Ski GP1 and GP2 with the first of four Grand Prix taking place in Porec, Croatia in May. “We have been working closely with the National Authorities as part of our on-going strategy to develop the European & Continental Championship from one event to a multi-event series to mirror the growth in interest and participation that we have seen with the World Championship over recent years,” said Aquabike Promotion Director, Raimondo di San Germano.The revised format for the European & Continental Championship not only adds commercial value to UIM sanctioned events, it also offers greater opportunities for competitors in terms of exposure over a greater time frame and the possibilities to strengthen their positioning and commercial value at the end of each season in the prestigious UIM-ABP Aquabike World Rankings.H2O Racing and Aquabike Promotion will issue further information regarding the terms and conditions of participation in the coming weeks.UIM-ABP Aquabike European & Continental Championship15/17 May - Porec, Croatia20/21 June - Roses-Girona, Spain25/26 July - Mirandela, Portugal5/6 September - Valras, FranceBy: Aquabike World Championship Media[fblike layout_style='standard' show_faces='false' verb='like' font='arial' color_scheme='light']