New Surf Hull and Sponsorship Deals

      New Surf Hull and Sponsorship DealsWareham, Dorset, UK. Carve Composites Ltd has launches the all new RAZR surf hull.In two firsts for the British hull maker, Carve composites has released the first British built surf hull and secured two up and coming British surf riders in a double sponsorship deal.Local rider Daniel Sterling Foy and Somerset Based Jason Peacock have agreed to ride the new hull and contribute to its future development. Both riders will be competing in the British championships as well as selected world championship IFWA rounds, possibly including the French and Portuguese rounds Carve Composites is the owner and designer of the RAZR hull and its mission is to propel not only the product but also these two exiting British ridersFor any further information please contact A Forrester CEO, or +44 (0)7444528399.Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 3.37.49 PM1005513_714672768632539_5758633050673888833_nLike, Tag & Share!